P. 259

a taste of travel
  Park Güell
Barcelona, Spain
Description: Park Güell is one of the world’s most impressive public parks and issituatedintheheartofBarcelona. Designedandconstructedbythefamous architect Antonio Gaudi in 1900 and completed in 1914, the site eventually became city property in 1923, but continues to be a vibrant park with mil-
lions of visitors. Boasting many archways, colonnades and majestic artwork there is many reasons why so many tourists flock to see this artwork Gaudi intended to show. Throughout the park there is a playground for the mind such as columns that simulate palm tree trunks, quilts of ceramic tiles, and rubble arches that grow out of the ground. Passing the entrance to the park is a smiling dragon made from mosaic tile that stretches down the middle of the divided stairway catching the eyes of children and adults alike. Park Güell is truly a remarkable work of art for many to continue to visit.

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